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Primary cells specifically refer to cells that are isolated or derived directly from living tissues or organs. With the exception of stem cell and progenitor populations, the majority of primary cells are terminally differentiated cells with a highly specific type and high level of function. The cells can be isolated and cultured in vitro and undergo limited cell divisions before entering senescence.

Primary cells closely mimic the physiological state of cells in vivo and are expected to maintain their in vivo functions under optimal conditions for a short period of time. Primary cells can become immortalized either spontaneously (e.g. HeLa cells) or by genetic modification (e.g. HEK cells), at which point they become cell lines that can be subcultured indefinitely. The primary cells present several advantages over cell lines, including a better representation of the cellular heterogeneity of tissues, a more faithful transcriptomic and proteomic profile and more realistic functional responses.



Figure 1. Isolation of primary cells from kidney


Alpha Lifetech Inc. offers thousands of primary cells including human primary cells and animal primary cells (e.g. mouse primary cells, rat primary cells) from various human and animal tissues for the study of biological processes. The primary cells we provide are from normal human and animal systems including nervous, cardiac, hepatic, renal, skeletal, pulmonary and more to meet your needs. Classified by cell type, our primary cell portfolio includes epithelial cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, melanocytes, endothelial cells, muscle cells, hematopoietic cells, etc.



With Alpha Lifetech Inc.'s well-established cell biology platform and molecular biology platform, we guarantee that the primary cells provided by Alpha Lifetech Inc. are ethically sourced, quality controlled and approved for research use. The source of primary cells is documented and quality control (QC) testing is performed to ensure cells are free of contaminants. certificate of analysis is provided for each product purchased. In addition, custom products are available for non-standard cell types according to your specific requirements.

For more information, please contact us and you will receive technical support as soon as possible.


Human Primary Cells

Mouse Primary Cells

Rat Primary Cells

Other Primary Cells